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Tag: Whisky Investment


Reopening Port Ellen Distillery!

Port Ellen Reopens!

The reopening of The Port Ellen distillery on the 19th of March 2024 has caused quite a stir here at Whisky Investment UK, having been spruced up and opened after almost forty years since the distillery, located on the South coast closed.

Port Ellen was originally opened around 1825 and concentrated on blended and peated Scotch. For reasons unknown the distillery which had part fallen into disrepair became obsolete around 1983.15 or so years later, Diageo announced plans to bring the distillery back to life as part of an investment of £180 million into the Scotch category.

The re opened Port Ellen has been fully refurbished with its two giant Phoenix stills being exact replicas of the distillery’s original early still, alongside a further two experimental stills. The master distiller on site Alexander McDonald and his team have included methods to explore multiple smoky flavours in the onsite lab. Also, a six-part roller mill and are among the investments in equipment. But where this really excites us here at Whisky investment is that the distillery is also carbon neutral. That element is what brought our partner group into wholesale sales and storage of cask whisky and what drives us forward with our background firmly in the ethical production of whisky and the energy management work the distilleries undertake. This also shows the work that the distillery and its management are environmental conscious and secures the ongoing future of Islay.

The Port Ellen Distillery is now officially open for business on Islay, breathing new life back into an old legacy building. This content has been created by WIUK for the purposes of information only. The Port Ellen distillery, Diego and its products which may be trademarked are not connected to WIUK and we make no inference or connection to them. 


Casks now available from  £2695 – no vat

Dear savvy whisky investors!

Following the hugely successful run of 1st fill Brandy and the excellent 1st fill Château Margaux, our sourcing team here at Whisky Investment UK have been hard at it again and just obtained an excellent selection of casks now available from just £2695 with of course no vat.  

It’s STRICTLY first come first served on this stock and an allocation of only one cask per client in order that our regular clients don’t miss out as is often when our larger investors move in.

At Whisky Investment UK we operate a small team of knowledgeable whisky brokers that offer expert advice. Importantly we do not operate a hard sell operation and if it’s not for you then there’s no obligation to purchase. methods, prioritizing quality over quantity. 

Darren Hughes - Head of Stock & Logistics at Whisky Investment UK

Click on the buttons below for:

A download of our latest cask list
An invitation to September’s whisky event